Friday, May 27, 2011

Dear Immune System, please get well soon. I need you right now.

Okay one of the smartest things I've ever done in my life is bringing my laptop back home, but forgetting the charger. Haha.. pandaiii. So here I am, registering subjects online while updating you from Abah's laptop while he's gone to fetch Mum from the airport.

The numbness on my thumb that I've had since Friday last week hasn't gone away. But when I came back Ina checked it and said I needn't worry. She said it looked like a nerve tear on my finger (prolly due to intensive scissor use during IM making for an assignment) and the nerve will regenerate in a few days or weeks (depends). Thank God for that. When I went on WebMed the other day, the symptoms pointed to Multiple Sclerosis, which FYI is an autoimmune disease, which freaked me out A LOT. But after consulting 3 doctors: Ina, Ilyas, and that good-for-nothing-doctor-who-gave-me-vitamins-and-anti-histamine-pills-just-to-get-rid-of-me, I feel a little less panicky and a lot more patient waiting for it to be okay.

Okay, maybe you think I'm being mengada-ngada for worrying so much because well, yes, It doesn't really hurt- at all (the-good-for-nothing-doctor pricked me with a needle till my finger bled and I felt nothing at all) and the numbness is only localised to one teeny-weeny itsy-bitsy bit on the corner of my thumb, but it still freaked me out. I mean, you can never be too careful about stuff like this now can you? But anyway, since I'm already on the topic of being all panicky and worried about something that could be nothing, the Hospital called when I was in the train. Said my blood test was ready and wanted to reconfirm my 3 O'clock appointment. *Ok breathe Syaf breathe. It's gonna be alright.* Had to cancel that though cz Mum was still in Hong Kong then. If she's got time, we'll reschedule to tomorrow.

For the past two weeks, I've been going crazy trying to get my immune system back on track. Every night before bed you can see me making hideous faces as I force down the not-so-nice-but-good-for-me immune boosting formula Dr. Amir gave me, half a (large) bottle of icky tasting Ayam Brands Chicken Essence with (making it ickier tasting) cordecyepts, 6 pills (consisting of various types of vitamins), and two spoonfuls of Scotts Emulsion (thank God for being orange flavoured).

Of course this stuff is gonna make me eat like a dinosaur. Even Ika said I'm gonna make myself fat cz my appetite is prolly gonna increase but well, guess what, I think I'd rather be fat than sick.

And through tok, I've gotten started on Herbalife which is super duper expensive but has been proven to improve soo many lives I'm looking forward for it soo much to improve mine that RM600 per month is worth the shot. Plus, it tastes wayyyyy yummier than all the above and it'll prolly help me curb the dinosaur problem and if I'm lucky enough, help me lose weight. Yeay! And anyways, with the combination of all, my immune system has got to improve even just a little bit, right?

Well, wish me luck for tomorrow!

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.- Helen Keller

1 comment:

  1. how was the doctor visit ?

    get well soon, syaf.
    kalau orang lain boleh, syaf pun boleh :)

    ps: boleh ape? boleh jadi lebih sihat lah ♥♥


words left unspoken.