Friday, August 5, 2011

taking it easy

So, the first week of puasa is nearly over, and so is the the third week of class for this sem. It feels weird. Things have been moving pretty fast I think. Assignments have started to pile up (as usual), and my mind is already getting cluttered with all the work left undone. We've still got a teacher to look for to interview and a Lesson Plan to create for writing assignment. I'm going round in circles trying to come up with a do-able-but-not-so-redundant-and-boring topic for my Term Paper which I'm trying to figure out and have it's validity checke so that before the end of this sem I can get done the first three chapters before we go for practicum to conduct the damned research. On top of that, I'm supposed to figure out (and get done) yet another thesis proposal for our Educational Psychology class, and two presentations. There's other stuff too like creating a needs analysis and ESP syllabus for some other course but so far, these are my main concerns.

Sigh. But just in case, I mean if you were wondering, I'm doing okay. Haven't broken down or anything yet. I'm trying really hard. I do get upset sometimes about things, but then so does everyone else so I'm deciding to not be so upset or angry but be okay instead. No, it's not as easy as it sounds but being sad and angry most of the time is really tiering and though there have been some people who have made me want to run over them in the past few weeks, well, lets just say I value my education more. I'm not gonna get myself thrown into jail just yet!

Oh, my felt badges business have been going on quite well, I think. Hehe.. so far I've got 10 badges, two pencil cases, and two pen thinggiemajigs (I dont know what they're called but I'll have them posted as soon as I get them done) orders to fill. But I've only gotten two of the badges done. This is what I'm afraid about in doing this business I'm scared I wont be able to satisfy everybody. Cz they are custom made, so everyone has their own different demands. Well, I do hope things go well though. I do love making these things so it doesn't really bother me. I just have trouble finding time to make them :(

Okay, I think I gtg sleep now. I've got class at 9am and I'm not getting up for sahur tomorrow morning. My appetite has been deteriorating since I got that horrid stomach ache the second day of puasa (or was it third?) I'm not sure if it was my gastric creeping back up on me or just a terrible case of food poisoning but it was horrible to have to cut a class I was looking forward to going to that morning and force myself to go to a class I didn't want to go to very much, later in the evening. Yeah. And I haven't been feeling that healthy lately. I haven't eaten rice in days and I only eat like an ikan goreng or something for buka puasa, then I have early sahur where I just gulp down my shakes which, thank God, help me last throughout the rest of the day, then it's off to bed to battle yet another day of life in the morning.

p/s: Selamat berpuasa people, I hope the Ramadhan month bring please into your hearts :)

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